Friday, 10 October 2014

My worst nightmaaaaare

When we talk about nightmares in general, we can refer to a bad dream you have or a situation that really freaks you out. In this blog, I'm going to talk about a little bit of both options. I'll start with the first that I mentioned. 
Since I was a child, I remember I've had a lot of weird dreams, without a logical explication, like I think the most of people had once in life.
Well, if I start to think about them, these are the things that arrives in my mind.
One of my nightmares started when I was sleeping, I had 14 years I think, and I dreamed that I can’t control my body, and all the things I wanted to do are unuseful. I remember that I was driving a car, and I can’t controlled it, and I was very desesperated and anxious, and when I woke up, I went to my parents bed because I couldn’t sleep.
 I hate when I had any nightmare, because after I had one, I just can’t sleep L
And talking about the another option, like a bad experience that you don’t want to live, I can say that terror movies absolutely freaks me out and always I watch one, I can’t sleep too (haha it makes me have nightmares too). I found this when I saw the movie The Rite on the cinema, and since that day that I avoid these types of movies.  
These are one of my experiences, and I hope to not have more!! 

244 words 

1 comment:

  1. OOH !! the last movie that I watched was "the Rite" It was awful :( I don't understand tthat people who like being scares and go to watch that kind of movies, I don't see that movies too because I spend a really bad time !!
